Superfood Latte Pastes

Superfood Latte Pastes

This recipe converts any of our blends into a ready to go paste. Whip up your lattes even faster with your sweetener and fat already added to your blend. Coconut oil has the added benefit of helping with turmeric absorption. Stick your pastes in the fridge in a sealed jar for up to one month.

Superfood Latte Pastes

Prep time , makes 8-10 lattes.

What you need:

What to do:

  1. Mix Blume Latte blend with melted coconut oil and your choice of sweetener.
  2. Add a bit of hot water to achieve desired consistency, 1-2 teaspoons should be enough. Stir until your reach a paste consistency.
  3. Pop that baby in the fridge in a sealed container for up to a month.
  4. To make your hot latte, simply whisk one teaspoon of the paste into 1.5 cups of milk.

Want it cold?

To make an iced version add 1 teaspoon of the paste and 1.5 cups dairy-free milk to a glass jar with a lid or a shaker. Shake that baby up. Serve over ice for a delicious, nourishing summer drink.

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Blume Superfood Blends

Our mission is to make wellness accessible at home and at your favorite cafe. At less than a dollar a serving, anyone can incorporate a healthy alternative without compromising on taste. Less celery juice and guilt, more laughs, tasty lattes and balance.

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